Looking for a Hawaii Escrow Timeline for Maui Real Estate transactions?
Buying or Selling a home is one of the most exciting things you can do.
Of course, you may think I would say that because I’m a real estate agent.
But it’s true, when I bought my first house in Hawaii I was so thrilled I called everyone I knew to tell them about it. When I finally got the keys I was so excited I couldn’t sleep and spent the first night in the backyard staring at the stars.
Timing is everything!
Please contact Howard Dinits first before making your offer
so he can write the contract that works best for your personal timeline.
Dinits Realty 808-874-0600 or by email
Hawaii Escrow Timeline for Maui Real Estate
Hawaii Escrow Timeline
It’s not all fun though, it can be stressful.
Home buying & selling is also an emotional experience and very personal. When your emotions are involved in a purchase, there’s a possibility that those emotions can get out of hand. Chances are something can go wrong! Do not stress about it . . .
That is why you have chosen Howard Dinits as your Maui Real Estate representative.
* Sellers and Buyers can be unreasonable and argumentative
* A home inspection may reveal defects
* Lenders may reject your loan
* You could receive a low appraisal
* The home could have pest issues
* The title company could find a cloud on title or unknown lien
* Your moving company could go out of business
* Important documents could be lost or delayed
We can’t guarantee that something won’t go wrong.
(most times that is the case).
We can guarantee that with Howard’s vast experience we will help you through the stressful time and will help find solutions for most of the obstacles we might encounter.
Read Rajan K.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Patrick S.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Bill M.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Amanda V.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Diane T.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Elizabeth V.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Clayton W.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
Read Chris M.‘s review of Howard Dinits – Dinits Realty on Yelp
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