How to Sell your Home in a Challenging Maui Real Estate Market.
homes in Kihei, Kahului, Lahaina, Wailuku,and Wailea are taking more time to sell, but you cam beat the odds with Howard Dinits Maui Real Estate Agent Specializing in Helping Buyers and Sellers with Foreclosures and Short Sales.
First Impressions Count!
Does Your Home Have “Curb Appeal”
First impressions do make a difference when selling your home. I have had numerous situations where my client has flown in from the mainland because they liked the house on my website but when we got to the house they refused to get out of the car. Why? Because the yard was overgrown the buyer. Do not let this happen to you. Tidy your yard. Cut the grass, rake the leaves, trim the bushes, and edge the walks. Put a pot or two of bright flowers near the entryway.
1. Fresh paint makes your house look clean, bright, and inviting.
It can’t be overstated – when it comes to buying a house, the first impression is everything. If you’re selling or getting ready to sell in the coming months, one of the easiest and most dramatic ways to enhance that first impression is through paint and be certain to pick neutral colors. Painting your house’s exterior before you put it on the market give you the biggest bang for your fix-up buck.
2. Get rid of clutter and Odors
Everyone has that room we don’t let anyone into. Well … it is time to throw out the stacks of newspapers and magazines. Pack away most of your personal items and family photos. You’ll need to go through the house and store clothing you no longer wear to make closets seem roomier. Clean out the garage. Keep everything extra clean. Wash fingerprints from light switch plates. Mop and wax floors. Clean the stove and refrigerator and remove that musty smell. A clean house makes a better first impression and convinces buyers that the home has been well cared for. Get rid of smells. Clean carpeting and drapes to eliminate cooking odors, smoke, and pet smells. Open the windows and let the fresh air in.
4 Price it Right
The No. 1 thing that will sell a house quickly is price. That’s the name of the game, When it comes to the Price is Right.
5. Pick the Right Maui Real Estate Agent.
Howard Dinits R(B)
Dinits Realty
Howard Dinits was a top selling RE/MAX Agent 2005- 2013 and will help you beat the odds. Homes in Kihei, Kahului, Lahaina, Wailuku,and Wailea are taking more time to sell, but you cam beat the odds with Howard Dinits Maui Real Estate Agent Specializing in Helping Buyers and Sellers with Foreclosures and Short Sales.
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